Tag Archives: command line

Re-enable virtual terminals on Ubuntu 12.04

In the past month I’ve been getting accustomed to Ubuntu 12.04, and all of the changes it brings to the user interface of Ubuntu. One issue I’ve been especially bothered by is the lack of virtual terminals, at least of users of NVIDIA’s proprietary drivers (myself included). The issue seems to stem from the fact that Ubuntu 12.04 makes use of a hardware framebuffer to draw a splash screen on boot, which causes issues with the driver when attempting to switch virtual terminals. I had a hard time finding any solutions to my problem, until I found this post on AskUbuntu which gives a couple suggestions. While the poster suggests going all out and completely disabling graphical boot, he also suggests a less drastic solution, adding a flag to the linux boot options that prevent loading framebuffer modes that interfere with virtual terminals.

To do this, open /etc/default/grub in a text editor and find the line that reads


and change it to read

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash vga=normal"

Rebooting your computer should leave the grub menu and boot splashscreen unchanged, while the virtual terminals work perfectly! Of course, your mileage may vary, depending on your system. This works for me on a fully updated install of Ubuntu 12.04, with an NVIDIA 9800 GT.

GPSDrive on OS X

After getting GPSd to compile on OS X, I set my sights on GPSDrive, an open source navigation and map viewing program. When I posted about GPS a couple years ago, I installed GPSDrive, using the version from Fink. However, the latest version of GPSDrive on Fink nowadays is 2.08pre12, while the latest stable release is 2.11. I’ve also moved away from using Fink and/or MacPorts for package management in favor of Homebrew.

To get GPSDrive running I had to do a little bit of fiddling, but it’s fairly easy. First off, I needed to downgrade GPSd from 2.96 to 2.95 — apparently the newest version introduced slight changes to the library that GPSDrive hasn’t yet picked up. However, building the two versions is exactly the same — see my post on building 2.96 for instructions that apply to 2.95. You can get the source package for either version here.

Next I used homebrew to install the dependencies that GPSDrive needs by running brew install gtk+ cairo gtkglext postgresql gettext. Note that these are just the packages I didn’t have going into the build — you may need more, depending on your setup.

With preliminaries out of the way, I downloaded gpsdrive-2.11 from here. As per their build instructions I created a build directory (mkdir build), moved into it (cd build), and then ran cmake. After some serious wrestling with dependency locations and linker flags I figured out the following two steps to get GPSDrive to compile and build.

First, because GPSDrive seems to want to automatically link against libcrypt, which OS X bundles in it’s libc, you need to tell cmake not to use it. I couldn’t figure out how to do with with a cmake configuration option, so I edited gpsrive-2.11/src/CMakeLists.txt and commented out (put a # in front) of the two lines containing the word “crypt”. You could also delete these lines — it has the same effect. This is along the lines of the patch here (see the attachment), that was posted to the GPSDrive mailing list last year, when I pointed out this bug. Sadly, the patch has not been applied to the source tree yet, but I can attest it works, if you care to apply it yourself.

With that out of the way, we can now run the following command from inside the build directory.

 -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0 -lpango-1.0.0 -lgobject-2.0.0 -L/usr/local/Cellar/gettext/ -lintl"\

After cmake generates all the necessary files, you can run make, and assuming it doesn’t give you errors, ./src/gpsdrive will allow you to test your newly built executable, and sudo make install will install it.

Once GPSDrive is up and running you should be able to see your current location (assuming you have a GPS connected to GPSd). If you want to get maps, you can download them from within GPSDrive, which has support for OpenStreeMap tiles, as well as NASA Landsat images (although I haven’t been able to get Landsat to download correctly).

Sign your email like Randall Waterhouse

Neal Stephenson’s novel Cryptonomicon is a fascinating book; I’m re-reading it for the umpteenth time and loving it every bit as much as when I first read it in 7th grade. One thing that caught my attention on this reading (especially in light of my recent GPS post) is the way that one of the main characters, Randall Lawrence Waterhouse, signs his email:

Randall Lawrence Waterhouse

Current meatspace coordinates, hot from the GPS receiver card in my laptop:

8 degrees, 52.33 minutes N latitude 117 degrees, 42.75 minutes E longitude

Nearest geographical feature: Palawan, the Philippines

(from http://www.euskalnet.net/larraorma/crypto/slide51.html)

Using GPSd’s python bindings, and the free, CC-licenced RESTful API from GeoNames.org, I wrote a short python script that will produce a similar output:

Seth Just

Current meatspace coordinates, hot from the GPS receiver card in my laptop:

41.751 N latitude, 111.807 W longitude

Nearest geographical feature: Logan Canyon, Utah, United States

The core of the script is two functions — one that gets GPS coordinates from GPSd, and a second that does a lookup for geographical features (mountains, canyons, islands, etc) on GeoNames.org. For more details, see the final section of this post.

Using gpssig.py

To use gpssig.py, first download it from here, and change the extension to .py.

In order to be useful as an email signature, I had to produce output in HTML format, which allows almost any mail client to use the output as a signature. I’ve gone through the effort of setting it up with the two clients I use the most: Mozilla Thunderbird and Apple’s Mail.app. Of these two, Thunderbird has documented support for HTML signatures (see here for details), and should be the most like other email clients. This script has been tested on Mac OS X Snow Leopard, and should run on Linux without problems (although I haven’t tried it on versions of python higher than 2.6.1).

Using gpssig.py takes two steps: first configure your Mail client to take a signature from a file, and then configure gpssig.py to run automatically to update that file.

Thunderbird is relatively easy to set up with an HTML signature. Because it only supports one signature per account, you simply need to tell it to draw that signature from a file. Under each account’s settings there’s an option to “Attach the signature from a file” (see here for a detailed howto). I chose to use ~/.signature.html, but you can use any file you’d like to, just remember the location you choose.

Mail.app is a more finicky beast — although the script supports it, I recommend using Thunderbird, mainly because Mail only refreshes its signatures from files on every launch, whereas Thunderbird will read the file each time you compose a message. However, if that limitation is acceptable (if you don’t move very much, perhaps), it will work just fine. The main issue with Mail.app is that it doesn’t store signatures in an HTML file, but instead in the proprietary .webarchive format. These files can be found in ~/Library/Mail/Signatures. To use gpssig.py with Mail, you need to follow steps 4&5 from http://bytes.com/topic/macosx/insights/825900-setup-html-signatures-apple-mail-mail-app. First create a new signature (under Preferences->Signatures). This will create a new file in the signature folder — take note of the file name. You will use this file name to configure gpssig.py.

gpssig.py is configured with command line options:

Usage: gpssig.py [options] NAME FILENAME
Note: NAME should be enclosed in quotes, unless it contains no spaces.

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --no-gps     don't attempt to get coordinates from GPS
  -a, --amail  generate files for Apple's Mail.app (.webarchive)
  --lat=LAT    default latitude, if GPS is unavailable
  --lon=LON    default longitude, if GPS is unavailable

The simplest way to use it is manually — simply running it whenever you want to update your signature. For example, I use ./gpssig.py –lat=41.752 –lon=-111.793 ‘Seth Just’ ~/.signature.html to generate a signature for Thunderbird.

If you want to make this automatic, you’ll need to have the script run automatically. On OS X you’ll need to use launchd, while on linux you need cron. Both of these make setting up repeating actions very easy — see here for information on launchd and here for information on cron.

Sadly I haven’t yet figured out a way to run the script whenever you write an email — if I figure it out, I’ll be sure to post something.

The Script

gpssig.py is built around three major functions — one gets coordinates from GPSd, one gets geographical feature information from

The function I use to get GPS information is a bit hacky — there doesn’t seem to be terribly much documentation on GPSd’s python bindings, so I made do with what I could figure out:

class NoGPSError (Exception): pass

def get_lat_lon():
  # GPSd Python bindings
  import gps

  # Create GPS object
  session = gps.gps()

  # Set GPS object as an iterator over reports from GPSd

  # Loop until we get a report with lat and lon. The limit of 5 loops should be more than enough -- my gps never takes more than three when it has a lock
  i = 0
  while (1):
      lat, lon = session.data['lat'], session.data['lon']
      if (i > 5): raise NoGPSError 
      i += 1

  return lat, lon

The other function is more straightforward — it makes two http requests to GeoNames.org to get the nearest geographical feature and locality. It then combines those responses in a way that should provide a good response almost anywhere in the world (provided that GeoNames has good, local data). I’ve tested it with a variety of coordinates (provided by http://www.getlatlon.com/), and the responses seem to be pretty good.

def get_geo_string(lat, lon):
  # Modules for REST/XML request from GeoNames
  import urllib
  from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
  # Request the name of the nearest geographical feature
  placename = ET.parse(
      urllib.urlopen("http://api.geonames.org/findNearby?lat=" + str(lat) + "&lng=" + str(lon) + "&featureClass=T&username=sethjust")
  subdiv = ET.parse(
      urllib.urlopen("http://api.geonames.org/countrySubdivision?lat=" + str(lat) + "&lng=" + str(lon) + "&username=sethjust")
  # Format and return place, region, country
    country = subdiv.getiterator("countryName")[0].text
      country = placename.getiterator("countryName")[0].text
      country = ''
    region = subdiv.getiterator("adminName1")[0].text
    region = ''
    name = placename.getiterator("name")[0].text
    name = ''
  if country:
    if region:
      if name:
        result = "%s, %s, %s" % (name, region, country)
        result = "%s, %s" % (region, country)
      if name:
        result = "%s, %s" % (name, country)
        result = country
    result = "unknown"
  return result

Finally, the main method of the program parses arguments, determines what coordinates to use, gets the geographical feature string, and then generates the proper HTML and copies it into the correct place.

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
  # Parse command line options
  from optparse import OptionParser
  parser = OptionParser("Usage: %prog [options] NAME FILENAME\nNote: NAME should be enclosed in quotes, unless it contains no spaces.")
  parser.add_option("--no-gps", action="store_true", dest="nogps", default=False, help="don't attempt to get coordinates from GPS")
  parser.add_option("-a", "--amail", action="store_true", dest="amail", default=False, help="generate files for Apple's Mail.app (.webarchive)")
  parser.add_option("--lat", action="store", type="float", dest="lat", help="default latitude, if GPS is unavailable")
  parser.add_option("--lon", action="store", type="float", dest="lon", help="default longitude, if GPS is unavailable")

  options, args = parser.parse_args()
  try: assert(len(args) == 2)
  except AssertionError:
    print "You must provide NAME FILENAME\n"

  try: assert(((options.lat!=None) & (options.lon!=None)) | ((options.lat==None) & (options.lon==None)))
  except AssertionError:
    print "You must provide both lat and lon arguments\n"

  # Modules for creating signature file
  import tempfile, os

    if (options.nogps): raise NoGPSError
    lat, lon = get_lat_lon()
    print "Got %f, %f from gps" % (lat, lon)
  except NoGPSError:
    if (not options.nogps): print "Failed to get coordinates from GPS"
      assert((options.lat!=None) & (options.lon!=None))
    except AssertionError:
      print "No default coordinates provided; exiting"
    lat, lon = options.lat, options.lon
    print "Using %f, %f as coordinates" % (lat, lon)

  geostring = get_geo_string(lat, lon)

  lac, loc = 'N', 'E'
  if lat \n

") file.write(args[0]) file.write("


") file.write("Current meatspace coordinates, hot from the GPS receiver card in my laptop:") file.write("


") file.write("%.3f %s latitude, %.3f %s longitude" % (lat, lac, lon, loc)) file.write("


") file.write("Nearest geographical feature: " + geostring) file.write("

\n") file.write("\n") file.flush() if (options.amail): os.system("textutil -convert webarchive -output " + args[1] + " " + file.name) else: os.system("cp " + file.name + " " + args[1])

GPSd under OS X (revisited)

It’s been almost 2 and half years since I originally posted about GPSd and OS X. That post got quite a bit of traffic for a while, but a whole lot has changed since then. If you’re interested in some in-depth background information, you should check out the old post; this post is mostly about the changes in the GPSd project since then, and the process of getting it running on OS X.

Two and a half years ago, GPSd had just released version 2.38. The latest version, which I just downloaded, is 2.96. Most significantly, GPSd has updated their communication protocol from a simple character-command format to one based on JSON-packed data. Further, they’ve built a significant portion of the project around python, and consequently built better python interfaces into the project.

OS X has also been updated, from whatever 10.5.x was current three Januaries ago, to 10.6.8. Luckily, the under-the-hood changes that Snow Leopard brought to the table should only make compiling software easier.

Building GPSd is a whole lot easier than it was the last time I went through all of this. I downloaded the latest source package (from http://prdownload.berlios.de/gpsd/gpsd-2.96bis.tar.gz). The bundled INSTALL file lists only python and py-gtk2 as dependencies, which makes compilation easy, given that python comes bundled with OS X. Although py-gtk2 is available through MacPorts (using sudo port install py-gtk2) I chose to avoid install the ridiculously long list of dependencies that it requires, as it is only required for the graphical test client (xgps), and GPSd also ships the perfectly functional command-line tool cgps, which provides the same information, albeit in a more sparse manner.

The actual build process is surprisingly easy: I ran ./configure –x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include, as suggested by the INSTALL file. As this indicated no issues, I ran make and sudo make install, which ran without a hitch, and gave me a working set of gps tools.

At this point it is possible for me to attach my GPS (see my old post for information about getting devices up and running), run gpsd -n /dev/cu.usbserial, and then use cgpsto get coordinates, date, and satellite information. However, this isn’t everything — all of the python based GPSd tools, such as gpsprof, still don’t work. This is because of Apple’s slightly special python distribution — while GPSd’s sudo make install puts python modules into /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/, they need to be in /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/. Instead of having to install these manually, you can use the bundled python install script to put the modules in the correct path by running sudo python setup.py install (thanks to http://docs.python.org/install/index.html).

Now that I have the most recent GPSd up and running I’m hoping to do some fun things with it. If I do, you’ll see it here!

More Mandelbrot

I just recently revisited the M-Set code from my Perl Snippets post. The code I had was pretty ugly, so I decided to rewrite it in Python. The result is not only a lot cleaner and easier to understand, but it’s also a lot faster:

$ time python mandel.py > \dev\null
real	0m0.051s
user	0m0.036s
sys	0m0.010s
$ time perl mandel.pl > \dev\null
real	0m3.518s
user	0m3.463s
sys	0m0.029s

You can find the code here.

This script works well for zooms, as long as you stay below a few thousand iterations. The following picture was generated with x=-1.1887204, y=-0.3032472, width=0.01 and 150 iterations.

Conky Calendar with Date Highlight

Since I got a new desktop a month or so ago, I’ve been running Ubuntu as my main operating system, and am using Conky for a nice heads-up-display. There are a lot of articles on the web about both Ubuntu and Conky, but one thing I couldn’t find a good, accurate how-to on was getting a calendar that highlighted the current date. While getting the calendar is easy using the cal command, actually getting the date highlighted is somewhat hard, and all of the articles I found suggested methods that broke in various situations. However, I managed to get it all worked out, and have a beautiful calendar that looks like this:

After the jump, I’ll give you the code and explain how it all works. Continue reading

Perl Snippets

I’ve been getting into a mood lately that makes me fiddle around with fun Perl stuff, but sadly school’s picking up to the point that writing anything up isn’t going to happen. However, I have a couple short scripts that I’m just dying to share.

Just Another Perl Hacker

I figured that it was about time in my hacking career (read: I was bored enough) that I should make a japh script. After a couple attempts I came up with this:

 	for (map{ord($_)-33}split ''){

print "\n";

                   /|                        |\
      !            ; :                        : :
                  | Y,                      ,P |
     !             |  Yb.        __        ,dP  |
                  l\  YMMb,_ _,/  \,_ _,dMMP  /f
  !                 j;  `YMMP'  `--'  `YMMP'  ;j
                   : \   YP`-._    _.-'YP   / ;
  !            !      \ `\,  _,\_    _/,_  ,/' /
                     `,_,   \`o>  


I'll let you go ahead and figure it out on your own. It's not super-hard, but it's fun.


In another fit of boredom I decided that it was finally time to create a mandelbrot set renderer. I originally tried to make one of these in basic, long before I had the math to do so. I was proud that I got the real axis to render, and figured it was time to complexify it. To keep things simple I decided to make it render an ASCII-art version of the set that would fit in a terminal window. The output looks like this:


The code's far from polished and not what I like to publish, but it's a fun thing to look at and offers you some neat abilities to poke things around and fix some pesky problems that just need clear thinking applied to them. It's available here.

GPSd under OS X

Update 7-13-11: I’ve posted an updated set of instructions on getting GPSd to compile on OS X here; this post will remain for archival purposes. For information on installing GPSDrive, see this post.

So I recently picked up a cheap GPS module on Amazon. It was about $30 with shipping, and I got a neat little dongle which connects over USB to my computer and communicates with software. It didn’t come with support for OS X (although interestingly enough it shipped with Mac OS 8 and 9 drivers), but it promised to send generic NMEA-0183, so I wasn’t too worried.

When it showed up, some quick software probing revealed that it houses a usb to serial adaptor (a Prolific PL-2303, which I’ll get to in a bit) and a gps module that’s configured to send NMEA strings through the virtual serial port. This sort of information is compatible with a host of software, but most of it is commericial, and only available at a considerable price.

Luckily, there’s a wonderful open source project called gpsd which provides support for a wide raft of devices and protocols, and talks to an even wider assortment of software. Primarily, I wanted to be able to get my gps to talk to the network scanner Kismac, and Randall Munroe’s cyborg.py script. Both of these were built to take information from gpsd, so I was in business. However, gpsd, which is designed to play nicely with Linux, takes some coaxing under OS X. This is meant to describe how I got it all running. Continue reading

Fast and Simple Stock Quotes Using Perl

One of the things that makes perl so powerful and fascinating is the huge number of modules that are available online, especially through the CPAN repository. Today I stumbled upon one called Finance::Quote, which does one thing, very simply: it retrieves stock (or mutual fund) quotes. You feed it a ticker symbol and it gives back a hash with all sorts of information, but most importantly, the price. I’m going to show how to use this to create a command line tool that will grab an up-to-the minute stock quote for any ticker symbol you give it.

Continue reading